• SOB Pros: #1

    Troy Field, Emily Stockman, Kristen Nuss, Chaim Schalk, Taryn Kloth, Ty Tramblie, and Brent Doble after the 2021 Puerto Vallarta Pro Demo.

  • SOB Pros: #4

    Brent Doble, Chaim Schalk, Emily Stockman, Kristen Nuss, and Taryn Kloth conduct a pool Q&A, with beverages, during the 2021 Puerto Vallarta trip.

  • SOB Pros: #8

    Ty Tramblie enjoys a dinner with guests in Ixtapa 2020.

  • SOB Pros: #19

    Billy Allen sets Christal Engle during a late afternoon game of hook in Ixtapa 2022.

  • SOB Pros: #15

    A happy crew, inculding Caitlin Ledoux, Geena Urango, Troy Field, and Ty Tramblie at Happy Endings on the Cabo 2019 trip.

  • SOB Pros: #5

    Defensive ninja Ty Tramblie performs during the 2020 Ixtapa Pro Demo.

  • SOB Pros: #12

    Geena Urango passes to Troy Field during the 2019 Cabo San Lucas Pro Demo.

  • SOB Pros: #20

    Evan Cory, Toni Rodriguez, Savvy Simo, and Logan Webber, relax after a busy PV 2022 day in the Rock Star Suite.

  • SOB Pros: #2

    Andy Benesh competes in the 2023 Ixtapa Men’s Añejo Finals.

  • SOB Pros: #10

    Casey Patterson hangs with some new friends at La Perla in Ixtapa 2020.

  • SOB Pros: #3

    Jake Gibb addresses the crowd during the 2022 PV Awards Ceremony while Billy Allen, Janelle Allen, Troy Field, Chaim Schalk, and Ty Tramblie look on.

  • SOB Pros: #7

    Jake Gibb hits on an open net during a round of fours in 2017 PV.

  • SOB Pros: #6

    Tequila sommelier Brent Doble imparts knowledge in the Rock Star Suite during Puerto Vallarta 2017.

  • SOB Pros: #11

    Kerri Schuh, April Ross, Geena Urango, Caitlin Ledoux, Janelle Allen, Billy Allen, Ty Tramblie, and Sean Rosenthal gather before the 2019 Ixtapa Awards Ceremony.

  • SOB Pros: #9

    Emily Stockman shows how to jump serve during an Ixtapa 2017 clinic.

  • SOB Pros: #18

    Jake Gibb, Angela Bensend, and Geena Urango enjoy a post-game soak in Puerto Vallarta 2017.

  • SOB Pros: #16

    Troy Field shows PV 2022 guests what a perfect platform looks like during one of the daily clinics.

  • SOB Pros: #17

    Chaim Schalk and Emily Stockman play a little “no jump” against the Allens, Billy and Janelle.

  • SOB Pros: #13

    Brent Doble shows Ty Loomis some of his best moves during the 2017 PV Sunset Cruise.

  • SOB Pros: #14

    Billy Allen with a “creative” serve during a game of hook in Cabo 2018.


Akers, Angie: IXT: 2005, 06, 07, 08, 09 • PV: 2010, 11, 12, 14, 16 • CABO: 2014
Allen, Billy: IXT: 2010, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 • PV 2014, 16, 17, 18(2x), 19, 21, 22 • CABO: 2014, 15, 16, 17, 18
Allen, Janelle: IXT: 2010, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 • PV 2016, 17, 18(2x), 19 •CABO: 2017
Araiza, Paul: IXT: 2017, 18

Benesh, Andy: PV 2021
Bensend, Angela: CABO: 2017 • PV 2017
Beranek, Eric: PV 2021 • CABO: 2020
Boss, Aaron: IXT: 2005, 06, 07

Casebeer, Jeremy: IXT: 2018 • PV 2019
Cory, Evan: PV 2021 • Cabo 2022

DiCello, Kim: IXT: 2014
Doble, Brent: IXT: 2002, 03, 04, 07, 08, 09, 12 • PV: 2009, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21 • CABO: 2016

Engle, Christal: IXT: 2011, 12, 13, 14 • PV: 2012, 13, 14 • BAH: 2013 • CABO: 2014, 15
Engle, Evan: IXT: 2011, 12, 14 • PV: 2012 • BAH: 2013 • CABO 2015
Evans, Miles: IXT: 2017, 18, 19

Field, Troy: IXT: 2019, 20, 21 • CABO 2019, 20 • PV 2019
Flint, Betsi: PV: 2015, 16, 17

Gibb, Jake: PV: 2017
Grafeman, Tori: PV: 2017
Griffin, Curtis: IXT: 1997, 98

Hartong, Emily: CABO: 2020
Hilleary Roche, Valinda: IXT: 1999
Hunkus, Tealle: IXT: 2015 • CABO: 2014, 15

Jensen, Dane: IXT: 2011, 12, 13
Jensen, Paige: IXT: 2011, 12, 13

Keenan, Brad: PV: 2013, 14, 17 • CABO: 2016
Kessy, Jen: IXT: 2006, 07
Kloth, Taryn:PV 2021
Kolinske, Billy: IXT: 2016, 17, 18, 20 • CABO: 2018 • PV 2019

Larsen, Kelley: IXT: 2016, 17, 18, 19, 20 • CABO: 2016, 18 • PV 2019
Ledoux, Caitlin: IXT: 2017, 19 • PV: 2017, 18 • CABO: 2018, 19
Loomis, Ty: IXT: 2016, 17, 18, 19 • CABO: 2017 • PV: 2017, 18
Lydahl, Iya: PV 22

Mariano, Ryan: IXT: 2009, 2010, 2011
Mayer, John: PV: 2011, 12, 13, 15, 22
Mewhirter, Travis:Cabo 2020
McColloch, Kevin: IXT: 2012, 13, 15 • PV: 2013, 15, 18(2x)
McColloch, Ali: IXT: 2015, 16 • CABO: 2015 • PV: 2015, 18
McGuire, Heather: IXT: 2014 • PV: 2011, 12
Meckna, Brian: IXT: 1998, 99

Nuss, Kristen: PV 2021
Nygaard, Jeff: IXT: 2004, 05, 06, 08, 09

Olson, Derek: IXT: 2014, 15, 16 • CABO: 2014, 15 • PV: 2015, 16
Olson, Matt: PV: 2009

Patterson, Casey: IXT: 2020
Placek, Mike: IXT: 2010, 2011, 13 • PV: 2011
Pollock, Irene: PV 2019
Polzin, Alicia: PV 2021 • IXT: 2008, 09, 10

Rester, Austin: IXT: 2013
Rosenthal, Sean: IXT: 2019, 20
Ross, April: PV: 2013, IXT: 2019
Rutledge, Lisa: IXT: 2011

Schalk, Chaim: PV: 2019, 22
Schuh, Kerri: IXT: 2019, 20
Simo, Savvy: PV 22, Cabo 22
Slick, Stafford: IXT: 2014, 15, 16
Smith, Saralyn: PV: 2010
Stockman, Emily: CABO: 2015, 16, 18 • IXT: 2016, 17, 18, 20 • PV: 2018, 19, 22

Tramblie, Ty: PV: 2014, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 2x, 22, • CABO: 2014, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22 • IXT: 2016, 17, 18, 19, 20

Urango, Geena: CABO: 2017, 19, 20, 22 • PV: 2017, 19, 21 • IXT: 2019, 20

Van Fleet, Beth: PV: 2009, 10, 11, 13, 17
VanZwieten, Kendra: PV: 2018, 19

Wachtfogel, Aaron: PV: 2010
Wallin, Megan: PV: 2014 • IXT: 2012, 13, 14, 15, 16

Freshman (1st trip), Sophomore (2nd), Junior (3rd), BA of SOB (4th), Masters (6th), PHD (7+ trips)

IXTapa=IXT, Puerto Vallarta=PV, Bahamas=BAH, Cabo San Lucas=CABO